Township office hours vary. To accommodate your needs please call Tom Horseman at 440-396-0225, leave a message and we will do our very best to service your need.

The Building Department was created to assure the public safety, health and welfare through timely and professional Plans Examination and in-process, progressive construction inspection of Commercial buildings.

All of our Examiners and Inspectors are certified by the Ohio Board of Building Standards to enforce the Ohio Building Codes. Our primary goal of the Building Codes is life safety.

We enforce the following Code Editions

2024 Ohio Building Code

2024 Ohio Mechanical Code

2024 National Electric Code​

​plus all refrenced standards

Thomas Horseman - Building Official

440-396-0225 (LEAVE MESSAGE) FAX- 440-324-2084 email-

Proudly serving the community with experience, credentials and concern for the safety & well being of citizens


Plan Approval

Application Directions

Our Approval process starts when you submit an application along with any supporting drawings (if required). Your application and drawings go to our Plans Examiner. After the exam of the plan is complete, the information is all input into our database, you will receive notification of Plan Approval /fees via email or fax. You will receive a list of required inspections when you receive your Approval(see Approval for further instructions). Approval fees depend on the type of project. Approval must be paid for AND issued prior to commencement of construction.

After you receive the Approval, during the construction phase, you or your Contractor MUST contact the Building Department at least 24 hours prior to any inspections that are required. We will work with you to help your project be successful and meet all code requirements.

Copyright @ Regional Inspection services LLC. All rights reserved.

Regional Inspection Services

LaGrange Township Contact info 

P.O. Box 565 LaGrange Ohio 44050 

Zoning Inspector

440-567-7494 Marty Mohr

Fire Department

440-355-6868 (non-emergency)

 Please click               to download Non-Residential Building Plan Approval Application